Sexual Assault

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 09.21.22

* Trump may soon be in court for rape charges. Unrelated, I doubt this will damage his reputation among his cult following. [NYT] * Aspiring JD concerned about the environment? Check out Vermont Law! [VT Digger] * Chipotle to shell out $8 million tied to child labor law violations. Whoever tipped them off probably didn't get a good serving size. [NJ Monitor] * Adobe and Antitrust go together in more ways than just alliteration. [Axios] * Bit of legal humor to start the day off? Here's a thread of some "allegedly" good legal jokes. [Reddit]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 09.13.22

* Whose Flight Is It, Anyway?: Lawsuit aims to enforce minimum seat sizes among airlines. Looking at you Spirit and Frontier. [Reuters] * Remember Independent state legislative theory? That's still a thing, and it looms darker than before. Like fair elections? Pay attention.  [Common Dreams] * The DOJ subpoenaed over 30 people related to Trump's mucking about. Somebody is gonna fold, and Twitter will be ablaze. [CNN] * Reporting sexual assault is hard enough as is without the risk of a kit being used against you. [The Guardian] * Sotomayor has temporarily weighted in on the nuanced question of if Yeshiva University has a religious right to discriminate against their student's affiliations. This is a good primer. [Vox]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 01.27.22

* To the windows, to the wall, Biden's infrastructure bill will help keep families’ homes the right temperature. [WXFRTV] * Been having Rockwell flashbacks ever since Apple dropped those AirTags? Pennsylvania's got your back. [iMore] * Has the recent flood of old Pyrex in thrift stores made you think about estate planning? Here are a few tips from an elder law attorney for getting your affairs in order. [WGN Radio] * Biden's executive order just made it easier to punish sexual assault in the military. About damn time. [WSJ] * Virginia just passed Adam's Law, which will require colleges and universities to publicly post hazing incidents in student organizations. Three cheers for informed decisions! [NBC]